All posts tagged: "Shenpen Health"

  1. Dental Check Up – Providing Real Smile

     During the month of February (Children’s Dental Health Month), Rangjung Yeshe Shenpen supported the dental team from KIDS (Kids International Dental Services). The dentists were able to do over 500 checkups for underprivileged local children here in Kathmandu. They gave free consultations, oral hygiene education, and distributed toothbrushes to everyone.…

  2. Supplies at The Burns-Unit

    For many years, Rangjung Yeshe Shenpen has been closely involved in aiding the Burns Unit of Kanti Children’s Hospital. At the request of the supervisor of the Burns Unit, and with the support of the Kiwanis Club, we were able to provide the Burns Unit with a full year’s supply…