Goody Bags at Burns Unit Posted June 27, 2014 by Suchan Budha



Burns are a major problem for both adults and children in Nepal. Unlike adults, accidental burns are very common in children. They are often the result of ignorance about how to prevent burns and also in some cases, negligence on the part of parents/guardians.

Children are brought to Kanti from all over Nepal as the hospital charges nominal fees and the surgeons and staffs have excellent experience in treating burns victims.

A hospital stay for a burned child can be a long and difficult emotional experience. Being admitted into a strange new environment with all of the loud noises, lights, strangers. In addition to medical care, we believe the next greatest healing therapy is ‘showing care and concern by giving time’ to these children. Shenpen sponsored a high school student to paint and clean up the playroom in the Burns Unit. It is now a lively warm environment for the children to play filled with toys, books, pictures and videos.

Shenpen also provides children on the burn ward with ‘Goody Bags’ filled with toys, stuffed animals, games, stickers, a toothbrush, tooth paste, a flashlight, and a knitted doll from the UK once a month. These are always a welcomed gift that puts smiles on the children’s faces! We are happy to be able to help bring a smile to their faces with such little effort!