
Sundar Kumari Shrestha is 99 years old who belongs to rich family from Kathmandu. She used to knit woolen clothes and sell them in the market. Sundar was a very hardworking woman when she was younger, so much so that she was capable to make enough money to sustain her family by herself. She has one daughter and when her daughter got married, her daughter took away all her property away and left Sundar at Matatirtha Old Age Home. She hardly speaks Nepali language as her mother tongue is Newari and she is barely able to walk on her own.
She has been living at the Matatirtha for the past 16 years and till now only her sister and brother in law came to visit her a couple of times. Her brother, who works for government of Nepal at the Department of Roads, has never visited her in those 16 years.
Being a good mother, Sundar has two dreams at this stage of her life, one at-least she wants to stay with her daughter for a day or so and another one is to put the tika on her brother’s forehead on the occasion of BHAI TIKA (sisters put garlands for long life of their brothers on that day). The management team at Matatirtha Old Age Home contacted her daughter regarding fulfilling her old mother’s wishes, but her daughter told them that she does not have enough space to accommodate her for a single day. It will be hard for her to fulfill her next wishes as well; as her brother is ashamed to acknowledge her as
Sister. ‘Now Sundar is very happy living at Matatirtha Old Age Home’.
Shenpen feels privileged to support the cost of food for Matatirtha Old Age Home to help women like Sundar.

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